Mountain to Fountain 15k

March 28, 2011

(Actual Post Date: Mar. 12th 2011)

Saturday was a great race day for Achilles Scottsdale. We had 11 team members show up to run the Mountain to Fountain 15K. Since we don't have official team shirts, Angela had the great idea that we wear St. Paddy's Day shirts. The busses dropped us off in the McDowell Mountain Park and we hung out and chatted together until the race began. The race took us through the park into Fountain Hills and ended at the Fountain.
We didn't win our weight in beer but we had an awesome time. Angela wanted to average 9:45's and they came pretty close as her official chip finish was 1:31:08. Angie's garmin said they averaged 9:44’s but they ran a little bit longer than the course due to not taking the tangents, etc. They are over-achievers! It was a super hilly course too but Angela motored up those hills without breaking a sweat. Mike and Angie were her guides and they had a blast.
Achilles finished 14 overall for mixed teams with the average from our top 4 runners' times: 1:21:29 (thanks to Greg, Ivonne, Torsten and Angela). Darius also tackled the race in a great time (1:25:50) but had been pulled from our team to keep our number at 10. We had Abby and Andy also join us for the race, along with Jerry who just had knee surgery, and pregnant and glowing Karen.

There was also a race for the kids that a few of our little Achilles participated in in the Fountain Park. We didn't get a team medal but we got free burritos and beer as a reward. We will definitely be doing this race next year so mark your calendars!

Here is Angela's race report:
“Go Team Achilles! What a fantastic race. Coodos to Sandy and the Bandidos for putting on such a fun event. Well, I learned one thing ... that little race ekg thing they post on websites to illustrate the course layout doesn’t really do a great job preparing you for the hills to come on race day (smile). Lucky for me I had two outstanding guides/cheerleaders to get me through what seemed like a mile-long climb up Everest. Thanks so much to Angie and Mike for all their help – you guys rock! I’m so proud of the whole team. What a turnout. Being the only disabled athlete in this race I was really spoiled and I think the term “entourage” was even tossed around. Great job everyone and I look forward to the next one.”

Achilles conquers the IMS Arizona Half Marathon

March 28, 2011

(Actual Post Date: Feb. 23 2011)

We just wanted to give a big shout out to Brooke, Angela, Darius, Torsten, Sandy and Colleen who braved the crazy weather and completed the IMS Half Marathon this past Sunday. Brooke, Angela and Torsten PR'd and Darius now has his first half under his belt:) Colleen and Sandy should win an award for their enthusiasm and consistency! We are so amazed by your awesome finish! Brooke's time was 2:04 and Angela's finishing time was 2:15. Go Achilles!


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Bandidos 15k and the Week's Workouts

March 28, 2011

(Actual Post Date: Jan 31st 2011)

Hi Achilles!

We have another race to put on the calendar:

Bandidos 15K in Fountain Hills on Saturday March 12

Please let us know if you are interested in participating and Go Team Achilles!

Other news:
We have received an awesome invitation from Joanne who works for Uhaul, to join their group in their tent before Pat's Run! Uhaul is one of their main sponsors. This is so great! Because of the size of the race, it will be nice to mee...

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Our First Workout

March 27, 2011

(Actual Post Date: Jan 24th 2011)

On Saturday we had a wonderful group come together for a 4 mile run. It was so nice to have new members join the group. We gathered, made introductions, chatted and then began our run. The group broke off depending on pace. Some ran the whole 4 miles, some ran less, but everyone was happy! It is so nice to have all levels out there. After we finished the run, Angela and Brooke (both who have a visual impairment) gave us some great advice on how to best g...

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Welcome to Team Achilles Scottsdale

March 27, 2011

(Actual Post Date: January 21, 2011)

It is a very exciting time as the first Achilles Chapter in Arizona is beginning to form! The group will start small and hopefully continue to grow in time. Angie Caruso held the first meeting on Wednesday night for volunteers and athletes to come and meet each other and brainstorm ideas for the group.

What is Team Achilles Scottsdale? A local group that encourages people with disabilites to become involved in endurance sports and physical activity (wal...

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